Fashion Magazine

Currently Obsessing: Seattle Engagement Shoot by Andria Lindquist

By Cestlabellevie @cestlabelle_vie
currently obsessing: seattle engagement shoot by Andria Lindquistcurrently obsessing: seattle engagement shoot by Andria Lindquistcurrently obsessing: seattle engagement shoot by Andria Lindquistcurrently obsessing: seattle engagement shoot by Andria Lindquist
okay y'all, have you seen this gorgeous seattle engagement shoot by the over-the-top cool & talented Andria Lindquist? so chic, so sexy, so lovely. my one dream in life is that I will be able to afford her by the time I get married, because she is so BOMB. and this shoot is one of my favorites to date. see the rest of the set here, but be prepared to losing an hour or two to browsing the rest of her photo adventures. xo! 

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