Lifestyle Magazine
Life has changed immensely for us since the pandemic began in the US in March. With so much time spent at home, we've been more focused on the comfort of our home furnishings as well as in our clothing choices. Though I'm not gonna lie, I do dress up at home sometimes just because, especially on our date nights. Interestingly when I go out, I usually end up rotating between the same few outfits which do not go back into the closet and get washed regularly because pandemic.
An Important Message To My Readers In The US: The United States Postal Service is in crisis and urgently needs our help. It has already been suffering due to a lack of funding and now cheetolini and the GOP are trying to dismantle it in order to steal an election. This is a direct and dangerous threat to our democracy that could have drastic consequences on our ability to participate in a fair election if we are unable to vote by mail, not to mention the post office provides an essential service which the people of this country rely upon. If half the adults in the US purchased a book of stamps it would raise $1.5 billion. If you are able, go and BUY SOME STAMPS. This is the best and easiest way for the general public to directly fund the USPS as it relies on the sale of postage, products, and services, not tax dollars to run its operations. You don’t even have to physically go to the post office, just visit the online Postal Store. If you are shipping something or shopping online and have the option to choose a carrier, choose the USPS. And please sign this petition to save the post office. You can also text USPS to 50409 to automatically send a letter to your local representatives using Resistbot and urge them to take action. Spread the word!