Lifestyle Magazine

Current Mood

By Rolala @rolalaloves
Current Mood
Reading...  Porter Magazine. I've cut back on the number of magazines I actually pay for since I get many complimentary subscriptions and this is one that I happily subscribe to because of the high quality.
Watching...  Tidying Up With Marie Kondo. Of course I had to check this out since I'm a big fan of the book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up and the KonMari method. I prefer the book but the show is kind of fun and I like how it gets people to look at their surroundings and confront their stuff and realize that is not what defines you or your best life. Speaking of decluttering, don't miss this list of 20 things you can throw away with no regrets.

Listening... to the  Encounter OST which I'm loving as much as the drama. All the songs are so good and complement the narrative well. They finally released Take Me On by SaltNPaper which has been a favorite as soon as I heard it in the second episode. Also the use of Omara Portundo's Si Llego A Besarte in the dreamy Cuba sequences is seriously perfect. 
Learning... how to use our new Instant Pot. You'd think I would've gotten one of these when our gas first got turned off but it was a half off deal that finally hooked me. I got the Ultra 3 Qt 10-in-1 Multi- Use model.  There is a bit of a learning curve and I've only cooked eggs, ox tail stew and rice with it so far. I still prefer my rice cooker for rice but I'm hoping to find many other uses for this.
Drinking... Kusmi BB Detox Tea.  An old favorite that I'm loving again. The blend of green tea, maté, rooibos, guarana, dandelion and a hint of grapefruit is so tasty. This tea is great for digestion and  gentle detox.  It's just a revolving line of teas at my house really.
Enjoying... the John Boos Block i-Block Cutting Board and Tablet Stand that I won from Madison/Fashion Tales recent giveaway. The cutting board is so swank.
Wearing... these Astrid & Miyu Fitzgerald Circle Earrings that I snagged on sale on Boxing Day.  The clean and modern design goes with everything.
Shopping... the winter sales and upgrading my husband's wardrobe. Got a great deal on these Gordon Rush boots.  The wingtip detailing looks equally stylish with dress pants as it does with jeans. 
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