Arts & Crafts Magazine

Cupcake Love

By Leonied
I've been itching to do some baking (other than bread!) lately... We love baking, so today we pulled out our new cupcake and muffin book and started with some delicious Vanilla cupcakes....
Cupcake Love
After they had cooled the best bit came... icing and decorating... pink and blue icing was requested and mixed...
Cupcake Love
And after a bit of help and guidance on piping the icing, came the toppings...
Cupcake Love
All hands on deck - and a few mouths too...
Cupcake Love
A happy collection that kept us all entertained for a while.  They tasted good too!
Cupcake Love
Baking and decorating is a fun and frequently requested activity in our household.  It's something we thoroughly enjoy doing together and one of the things that help me to be the mom I want to be.
Hope your week is off to a fun and happy start!
Joining in with Miriam and Ange.
L xx
Create Hope Inspire      Fun with Food

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