Hello party people, I’m having another go at learning code. I’m an SEO Executive but have been coding quite a few of our SEO-related pages in my day job.
Plan is to do courses on Udemy, then create a blog post about them and do an example. I’ll probably have to do the example on Codepen as I can’t embed code in the free WP blog.
CSS Selectors
CSS selectors, are used in CSS style sheets to determine what styles to apply to what HTML elements.
e.g. <H1 style = "margin-bottom 0px;"
- You can add it, somewhere on the HTML doc within <style> </style> tags
h1 {color:red;}
p {color:blue;}
- Or, usually the best solution, is to create a separate Style Sheet
To do this you need a line of code (or markup) linking the HTML doc to the CSS sheet.
For example, if you save and name your stylesheet as styles.css:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">
Best practice is to put all your styles in a separate stylesheet. Dunno why, just go with it for now.
Imagine you’re a parent.
HTML is your kids
The CSS style sheet are the instructions you’re giving to the baby-sitter on how to look after your kids.
Great analogy, I know.
You can be an overprotective, bit of a bellend of a parent and use inline CSS to give you micro-management and control over your kids, but you generally don’t want to do that.
Types of CSS Selectors
ID & Class selectors are the most commonly used. Class selectors for sure. But I’ve listed class selectors second, just to be annoying.
ID selectors
- Id selectors use a hashtag, like Twitter but it’s not full of political wankers and Chinese bots – #
- Use these selectors sparingly, class selectors usually work better/are preferred.
- If you run the codepen below, hopefully you’ll see that I’ve selected only the first ID, and made it blue
- ID selectors are specific and therefore override more general selectors
Class Selectors
- The most commonly used type of selector
- very versatile
- Well supported in most browsers – probably all browsers except for like IE 6
- You can add multiple classes to an HTML element, so you can style it multiple ways with a class selector
- If you run the pen below, you should see the first class coloured pink
Tag Selectors
- HTML tags like <h1> and <p> can be targeted directly with tag selectors
- Tag selectors are sometimes used to unset styles that browsers set by default
- Tag selectors are not so popular. Stick with class selectors if possible.
- Just type the name of the tag e.g. H2 and then open curly brackets, add style and close brackets
Attribute Selectors
- The value within your HTML tags is called an attribute
- You can target them directly with CSS attribute selectors
Positional Selectors
– Decent type of selector when trying to style individual elements of a list or div
– To style the second item on a list – prefix the CSS with “li”:
Here’s a cool CSS Cheat Sheet / infographic
CSS Cheat Sheet
For a much better tutorial about CSS selectors visit – https://css-tricks.com/how-css-selectors-work/