Lots of lovely crumbles, one for tonight and three for the freezer and a tub of crumble topping mix for the future.
I started out to make some crumble mix to put in the freezer because I had spotted that the block of baking butter that was in the fridge was nearing it's 'use by' date. Then I decided that while I had the crumble there and there were windfall apples lying on the grass at the back of the house, and I knew there were some lovely blackberries just begging to be picked in the woodland near the big wood store .... I may as well set to and make some crumbles.
The crumble mix ready for the freezer before I decided to use some of it.
Half an hour later four crumbles big enough for two people.
A couple of tablespoons of crumble mix on the top of each and they were as you see in the top picture. Three ready for the freezer and one went into the fridge ready to pop in the oven while our tea was cooking. Totally yummy, even more so because the fruit was free and the crumble mix ingredients ..... SR flour, baking butter, a couple of tablespoons of sugar and the same of Muesli and ground almonds ... were all ready sat in my cupboards.
Now they are neatly sat in the freezer, taking up the space that we had already cleared this week by eating from the freezer and not from the supermarket. The crumble mix was decanted from the large round tub to a smaller one, the less air you have between your product and the lid of it's container, the less frost develops and spoils the taste of your food.
Come back tomorrow for Lovely Hubby's idea of a good blog post, he's asked me to do it for posterity .... I apologize in advance!!
Sue xx