I will be taking the time toCrown Myself this New Year.
I have have stopped playing in the murky watersof New Year's Resolutions years ago.
InsteadI am going to make beautiful rituals oftaking the time to Crown Myself
~ Reflect on all of the things I've done well this past year (and in life)~ Savor again all of the magic moments that made my heart soar.~ Make a list of my favorite Glimmers~Reflect on where and when I stood tall when I wanted to crumble

I choose to makeCrowning Myselfa beautiful ritual because at this age I know
~ I am responsible for my own happiness
~ No one is coming to save me~ True personal validation is always an inside job~We can only pour from a full cup

Crowning Yourself really can happen in so many waysboth literally (everyone stands a little taller with a Crown)and figuratively.
This New Year I have planned and taken time to sit quietly in a beautiful spaceto reflect.I will have a candles and flowers to remind myselfthat my relationship with myselfis of utmost importance.
After my scene is setI will put on one of my Crownsand sit quietly as I make notes of all the good that comes up.I will write those happy thoughts in my journalorbetter yet as a beautiful love letter to myself.
I will open up my photos for the yearas helpful reminders of the splendid moments I experienced.
I will review my gratitude journal for the yearto be reminded of the small thingsthat were actually the big things in my heart.
I will review my business calendar to rememberwhat I have accomplished this year.
I will write down my favorite momentstaking the time to Savor and Enjoythem all once again.

It is only thenafter I bask in all the good and beauty and love I accomplished and experienced this last year
I will gentlyand with much love and compassionask myself
~ Where would I like to grow.
~ What behaviors would I like to changeso that I can experience life at a higher energy level.
~ Where does the majority of my joy come from?~ What can I do to have a better relationship with myself?
~ What boundaries do I need to give myself to maximize my self love?
~ What can I do to support my own goals? ~ What soothing rituals can I put into my daily lifeto help me stay focused on my goals?
I have been looking for ways to do betterbe more be successfulmanage my emotionssince high schoolas a way to manage my ongoing depression and anxiety.
I have lived in the self help sections of book storesalways on the quest to discover some nirvana where I feelI've got it all figured out and in place.I know after all these years there is really no place to arrivewhere everything stays in placebecause life itself is continual motion.
But I do know for a fact we are better people when we can take the time to love and respect our own selves.How much conflict with others is really our own internal conflict projected.
That is exactly why I am a firm believer in taking the time toCrown Ourselves.
If you've been reading my blog for the lsat decadeyou have read about it here before.As much as I believe in Crowning Ourselveseven I have lost my way with it along my recent life journey.That being said

I am so much happierhave so much more to give otherswhen I can rememberto love myselftake care of myselfmake myself a priorityand live in a manner that I respect myself.
That is whatCrowning Myself truly means to me.
May we all remember to take the timeTo Crown Ourselvesthis New Year

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyAs you Style Your Life