The sheep in the field across the road from our house are a funny bunch. I think Thomas, the farmer that owns the land uses this particular bit of scrubby, rush filled land for his waifs, strays and odds and sods. We thought they were all barren sheep until he dropped off a mother and her chunky little lamb the other day, now it looks even more of an odd assortment.

They have obviously all had different treatments, hence the splodges of blue, red and orange and thanks to them pushing their way into the trees and bushes to get to the stream for water or just under the bushes for shade or shelter, they are all slowly but surely losing their woolly coats. There will be little need for clippers in a few months if they keep losing wool at the rate they have been over this last week or so.
They are starting to take on the look of the freshly clipped collie dog in the Specsavers advert!!

But one in particular is looking very fetching this morning. I stood at our office window and watched as she had a tussle for about twenty minutes with what must have been a particularly prickly bush. I was on the verge of thinking about phoning Thomas to let him know he had a well and truly stuck sheep ... when lo and behold she tugged herself free and sashayed out of the trees wearing a crop top and a pair of woolly shorts.
Sue xx