I had a little crisis of confidence yesterday.
Not about my running - all's good there. Tapering's going fine. I haven't maimed or killed anyone yet. I haven't even thought of maiming or killing anyone. Hmmm - must be doing it wrong.
My crisis of confidence was over my appearance and it all started with a visit to the vet.
The dogs are all fine, by the way. Toby's over his last bout of allergy-induced infection and Ricky's stitches have healed and his nether region is starting to shrink up and become a little more stream-line from the back view.
The vet visit was to try and get a handle on Toby's allergies. To see if there's something else we can do apart from washing him in hypoallergenic shampoo and putting him into the cone of shame. Our local vet had suggested a specialist dermatologist. Woohoo - goodbye kids' inheritance.
As soon as the vet looked at me she said 'Has anyone ever told you that you look like that English actress? Can't remember her name at the moment but it'll come to me.'
Well of course I had to scour my memory banks for mental images of English actresses that I might remotely resemble. And of course the only ones I could even think of was Dame Judy Dench and Helen Mirren - both lovely ladies but a little older than me. I spent the rest of the visit hoping it wasn't either of them just because of their ages. And the vet never remembered - or if she did chose the tactful option of silence.
When I got home I decided to Google-search English actresses and I came across a huge number ranging from 'oh please don't let it be her' to 'I wish'. I was still none the wiser so I let it go. Sort of. Almost ... Okay - not at all and I'm still wondering.
That wasn't the crisis of confidence part. That came later on that evening when I was browsing Facebook and saw that one of my friends had played one of those silly games. This was called 'What Animal Do You Look Like?' Hers had been a cute baby penguin so of course I wanted to know what cute baby animal I might look like. So I clicked on the link and got this -
Not cute. Not a baby. And frankly I can't see the resemblance. For a start - BLONDE!!
I chose not to share it on Facebook.
But it's left me wondering. Which English actress looks most like an Orang-utan? If you have any suggestions, please let me know.