Drink Magazine

Crimzen Premium Red Ale – Lost Craft

By Mike @mikescraftbeer
Crimzen Premium Red Ale – Lost CraftPacific Beer Chat

From Lost Craft Beer a contract brewery out of Toronto Ontario comes their "Crimzen Premium Red Ale". The beer pours a deep reddish colour with a tan head. The aroma consists of fruit, mild roasted malts, floral hops and some sweetness. The flavour is of fruit, caramel, toffee, mild roasted malts, low bitterness, herbal hops and mild earth. The alcohol content comes in at 4.7%. As more standard red ales go this one is enjoyable and you would not go wrong picking up some of this if you can find it on the East Coast.

Crimzen Premium Red Ale – Lost Craft

Commercial Description: Crimzen is a small batch brewed, all natural English-style red ale inspired by traditional beer from the United Kingdom. Smooth malt forward English style red ale with apple, caramel, and toffee tasting notes.

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