Marketing & Advertising Magazine

Crafting The Right Mindset For Your 2018 Salon Marketing Plan

Posted on the 27 December 2017 by Jennquinn

2017 is in the books! See ya later… Sayonara… Don’t let the door hit ya’ where the good lord split ya’… And so on and so forth! With the final days of the year, I thought it might be nice to take a page out of the Ghost Of Christmas Future‘s playbook and chat about what’s in store for next year. Specifically, let’s focus on your salon marketing plan.

Instead of highlighting what should be in your plan (we’ve already covered that in this article), let’s discuss something crucial to its success: your marketing mindset.

Being In The Right Mindset Will Make Or Break Your Salon Marketing Plan

You can come up with the greatest, most original marketing ideas this world has ever seen, but if you aren’t in the right frame of mind to execute it properly, then you run the risk of treading water for the year – i.e. your business will plateau or stagnate.

This begs the question: “How can I get into the right marketing mindset to truly deliver on my business’s marketing plan?” Well, we just so happen to have the answer for you right here. And even better, I covered this topic on a recent episode of The Salon Marketing Q&A, which you can catch Tuesdays at noon (IRE/UK Time), Live on Facebook & Instagram. Watch the episode here:

Successful Marketing Is About Consistency And A Stable Tone

One of the biggest mistakes that salon owners accidentally commit time-and-time again is to provide an inconsistent tone in their marketing message. What I mean by this is that their messaging doesn’t sound like it comes from the same person – or a person at all.

An example of this could be with the posts that go up on a salon’s Facebook page. While it’s fantastic to diversify your content and mix it up a bit (more on how to do that here), it is important to have the same vibe/tone flow through it all. So if you enjoy a more bouncy, fun and conversational style, then make sure you deliver that in all of the areas of your salon marketing plan. This way, your audience can get a real sense of who you are and what you are all about. In turn, this will help them decide on booking an appointment with you.

Don’t Be Afraid To Take Risks

It might sound a bit crazy, and you might be clutching tighter to your salon marketing plan just thinking of the idea of risk-taking, but I assure you it can pay off. I bet that throughout the past year, you’ve had a few zany and ‘out there’ ideas to get your business some more attention. But you decided not to pursue these ideas thinking they were too risky.

Well, for 2018, why don’t you give one or two of them a shot? Sometimes -a lot of times actually- it’s the outside-the-box ideas that become the game-changers for your salon marketing plan! And if they don’t work, don’t sweat it, because…

I Guarantee Not Everything In Your Marketing Plan Will Work

There is no such thing as a foolproof salon marketing strategy. Some things will work. Others won’t. But in 2018, let’s not dwell on what didn’t work. Learn from it, but don’t beat yourself up. In a recent Facebook webinar, one of the attendees asked a question about this subject. The main concern was that it would be embarrassing to try something only to come to the conclusion that it didn’t work.

The funny thing about marketing is that if you tried something and it got little to no reaction, this means that nobody saw it. And if nobody saw it: who cares! You tried it; it didn’t work. Learn and push forward! Failure will happen. But once you understand that it is simply part of the process, the sting shouldn’t hurt as much.

salon marketing plan

Involve Your Team In Your Marketing Plan

Finally, at the beginning of 2018, hold a meeting with your team. Tell them what the salon’s marketing plan is, and invite them to take part! Nobody said that you had to do it all alone. And I bet that you have one or two people in your business that can really help!

Another benefit of involving your team in the marketing of your salon or spa is that they will develop a stronger bond with you and your business. If they have an idea and you let them try it, they will push harder than ever to prove that they’re right. And in the long run, this enthusiasm can translate itself into happier staff and stronger customer service.

So that’s it! A couple of quick ideas to help you develop a better mindset for your salon’s success in 2018. And let’s agree right now to not look at our marketing plans as a chore. Instead, let’s view it as an opportunity to bring what you love closer to people that will love it too. And when you enjoy the process, they will enjoy the results!

Just remember: Do you. Be Real. Have Fun. And best of luck in 2018 (we’ll be with you every step of the way)!


Take care guys and thanks for reading. Got feedback? Tweet us @ThePhorestWord!


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