My name is Emily, and I’m an addict! That’s right, I hold my hands up, there is nothing I like better than a special occasion or craft venture. When the children are in bed (rarely their own I add) and my work is done for the evening, when the dishes are stacked haphazardly in the the dishwasher, and the clean washing pile is staring at me wondering why it has been on the stairs for three days… I like nothing better than to surf the net looking for a procrastination project….. Special occasions provide just this…. I’m an insomniac… I can go for a week straight on 4 hours sleep a night…. Pinterest and google images are my partners in crime.
From the decorations, to the food, I love pinning ideas and planing my next venture. Unfortunately I’m also one of those people who has the ideas, but is somewhat lacking in skill, more often than not my poor husband get roped Into helping with the finer details. This week my thoughts turned to birthday parties! H is 10 in March (you can check out last years escapades here) and Roo…. Well He turned 3 on Xmas day which unfortunately for him, means we have been planning, but not quite executing his party for several months now. With Easter just around the corner, I’m in my element. My job as a website editor isn’t a creative outlet and I find blogging feeds this terrible habit, but, as I took a break from this during mat leave and starting my current role with work, I fear I didn’t share with you all my triumphs (and disasters).
Now don’t be fooled by the images, because I can assure you they lasted only as long as it took to take a snap but, here’s some of (oh yes there’s loads more) my procrastination projects of the past year…or two….

Fancy seeing some more of my makes?? The odd behind the scenes fail too? With Easter, a girlie sleepover and a pirate extravaganza on the way in the next month… Oh plus the revamped site launch… It’s worth popping along to slummy mommy on Facebook to keep up to date. My poor husband has his work cut out for him…. As, I’ll no doubt leave him with detailed instructions, a hastily scribbled diagram and best wishes while I navigate my evenings boobing, working, blogging, directing (new site) and taking that washing upstairs…. Who am I kidding? It can stay there another three days….
It’s nice for couples to have a project together anyway…. One day I’ll tell you about our elf on the shelf business escapades….. Maybe at Christmas? Who wants to hear about that in March….. Cough
*disclaimer if you read a previous post! you will see most of these projects took place during mat leave…. The next few will probably be done by my husband, with me taking (some) credit …. Although I do have some leave booked just for planning and diagrams….