Step lightly now, miss the crack,
Step on one...oops..bad luck !
On the way to school, going slow -
With all my chums stepping so.
As years went by I forgot this game,
But not always good luck just the same.
I watched my child avoid the cracks
As together we walked to his school and back.
Remembered then my schoolday pranks
And silently then I gave thanks
For the luck I'd had in having him,
To pass on my knowledge and idle whim.
Nowadays I step lightly to miss the cracks
Else I might fall down with a smack
On my way into town going slow,
I might miss my step and fall down low !
Step lightly now and miss the cracks-
Must have missed most 'cos I've had lots of luck.
Life has had it's ups and downs-
Cracks now healed and luck abounds. Email ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook