Fashion Magazine

Cozy Creams

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Cozy Creams
We actually had a cold spell here in Southern California this last weekso styling a cozy warm outfit was on tap for sure!Cozy Creams
I pulled together some of my favorite neutral pieces to set off my brand new boots!
These cream leather boots are what fashion find dreams are made of!
I was walking through Target with my daughterand there they were ...all by their lonesome.I had been looking for cream boots all season ...I had no idea I would find them at Target for $15!!One of my favorite fashion scores ever!
Cozy Creams
Cozy Creams
Cozy Creams
An angora beret literally topped off my outfitand my giant pearls(which will soon be coming to my shop) completed my cozy cream  look!
Cozy Creams
Cozy Creams
Cozy Creams
As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life
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