We’re counting calories here!
So let’s do it properly, shall we?
I have to count calories because I follow the diabetes diet. (note to self: D word!). I have to – or my cholesterol will creep up.

Counting calories need not be a chore. Or a bore. This is how I do it:
Clear clutter
I know that sitting can kill. I am not a fan of slow death. Since my work involves sitting at the computer, I get up and move very half hour, if only for a few minutes. I walk through the house, straightening stuff, picking things, clearing up messes. And yes, it burns calories. To help me, I make a list of things to do. I call it my too much to do list. There’s a goal to this. Each time I check something off, I feel happy.
Hit the road
Yes, I feel like doing that sometimes. So many potholes. But that’s not the kind of hitting am talking about. When I am stuck with something in my head, I grab my keys and go for a walk. Clears the head. Of course I am grateful my phone has a camera. Some laughter is guaranteed. And photos, too!
Very very therapeutic for me. I used to smirk when my Mom told me this, but I realized the joke’s on me. I love to cook. Just creating something in the kitchen is a great feeling and this, followed by compliments, is even better. So how are we counting calories by cooking, eh? I cook from scratch and that burns calories. Prepping takes effort.
I walk for an hour every evening on my terrace and love it. Other ways to do this, if you can’t dedicate an hour to exercise – is ignoring the elevator and taking the stairs, (if you live on the second floor and your building has more floors, hit the one right at the top and walk back.). Combines cardio. Have a pet? Walk it. Have a garden? You know what to do.

A game. With your kids. Your neighbor’s kids. Or with your dust bunnies before you zap them!
House work
I do my own housework. Okay, not everything on the same day. I pick one room at a time and deep clean it. Mopping, dusting, scrubbing. Great workout for the arms and legs even as you get instant gratification. Using the vacuum cleaner is an excellent workout. You’ll hear muscles protest, but that’s part of the plan. Need to get technical? Try doing the carpets and upholstery for resistance workout. Heh. Talk about clean and lean! Turn on the music and dance a little jig or two. Oh, please ignore those groans when I wake up the next morning, will you?
I work standing for at least an hour every day and I always walk around when I talk on the phone. Yes, I talk the walk. Nice way to kiss 100 calories goodbye.
That brings me to phoning a friend. I am not big on phone calls, but there are three I absolutely won’t miss – and only because they don’t live nearby. Talking – and the laughter that ensues – burns calories. Thank heavens!
Go on walking dates
This is a no-brainer for me. I am married to a man who loves to walk. Distances do not deter him. Enough said. Oh, but I also go on walking dates with friends. We usually meet somewhere where we can walk around. Walk, chat, chai or coffee and we’re ready to get on. Did I mention connecting? Yes! You also get some sunshine while you are at it, getting your dose of D. Vitamin D.
No, not the online version. And you really don’t have to buy anything (yes, famous last words). Go window shopping! My version is going veggie/grocery shopping and carry my stuff back home. An hour or two spent this way is a sure-shot calorie burner. When I visit the supermarket, I carry the store baskets instead of the trolley. Nice workout for the arms and bending it like Beckham each time I stop in a different aisle.

With all that I described above, I need my beauty sleep. Sleep burns calories!
I suppose you could skip rope for a few minutes every day, but I won’t join you. I hate my assets jiggling when I do that. You could also do the hula hoop. Go on. I dare you to.
Okay, I read somewhere that kissing for 20 minutes can burn 100 calories!
As you count your calories, don’t forget to count your blessings!
Counting calories – What is your favorite way?
Namaste! I am glad you are here. May your day be filled with smiles!