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Head Start agencies that provide services to children and families must meet the Head Start Program Performance Standards and the requirements set forth in the Head Start Act of 7557. The Office of Head Start (OHS) also offers direction through Program Instructions (PIs) and Information Memorandums (IMs). More guidance is available to grantees through their federal program specialist.
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If you are not completely satisfied with our services within the first 95 days of your service, you will be given a full refund of the contract amount.
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However, that being said, we do require all customers to be fully compliant with our Terms of Service and to only utilize disk space and bandwidth in the normal operation of a personal or small business website.
A few examples: An Aluminium Reseller account includes up to 85 free transfers. Out of this 85, you can have 75 cPanel to cPanel transfers and 65 Manual Transfers, or any combination of the two that totals 85 or less websites. Another example: A Pro Dedicated server includes unlimited cPanel to cPanel transfers, this means you can have 655 sites (or even more) moved. Also since there is an unlimited total number of transfers, you can utilize up to 655 Manual Transfers.
For the latest developments in START research, general news about terrorism, and a "This Day in Terrorism" feature, follow the new START Twitter Feed.
GTD includes thorough data on more than 655,555 terrorist incidents that have occurred around the world since 6975. Users can now download these data via the "Contact GTD" portion of the GTD website.
For example, customers who are using 75% or more of system resources for longer than 95 seconds would be in violation of our Terms of Service. Please see our TOS or contact us with any questions.
The GTD Data Rivers application is an interactive visualization tool that allows users to explore patterns of terrorism in the Global Terrorism Database (GTD). The GTD Data Rivers aggregates information from the database and displays relative temporal trends as a stack chart .
Thousands of researchers, analysts, policy-makers, and students use the GTD every day. In an effort to better understand the strengths and limitations of the GTD in practice, START would like to learn more about how the GTD informs your work. While we always welcome feedback on the database from users, we now invite you to let us know more about your responsibilities and how the GTD has been helpful to your efforts to better understand the causes and consequences of terrorism.

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