Image: Costa Coffee
Who cares about plain red cups in the run up to Christmas when you can get these awesome Santa, Snowman or Elf cups at Costa Coffee. Last weekend we tried some of the new drinks in the Costa Christmas Collection. In my review last year (see HERE), we tried the White Hot Chocolate, Salted Caramel Latte, and Gingerbread Latte. This year the Costa Christmas Menu includes: Orange Hot Chocolate, Brownie Hot Chocolate, Praline Cappuccino, White Hot Chocolate, Black Forest Hot Chocolate (the best!), Gingerbread & Cream Latte, and Sticky Toffee Latte. We tried the Praline Cappuccino, Brownie Hot Chocolate and Gingerbread & Cream Latte.
Apologies for the dark photo, I'll hopefully be able to update with a brighter one soon. The drinks in front are a Praline Cappuccino (left) and Brownie Hot Chocolate. At the back is Mr Grocery Gems favorite - the Gingerbread & Cream Latte (reviewed here). The Praline Cappuccino looks gorgeous with it's gold dusting on top. I've actually had this drink a second time since taking these photos, and that time the gold dusting was finished in a snowflake pattern which looked even prettier. The drink itself is made with praline syrup which gives it a sweet caramel flavor with a nutty edge. The Brownie Hot Chocolate, made with walnut brownie syrup and sprinkled with brownie pieces on top, is sheer perfection for any hot chocolate fan. It has a rich chocolatey flavor that is quite intense but still sweet and indulgent.

Of course we couldn't resist sharing a gingerbread muffin too. These have a delicious ginger jam center that I really enjoyed.
Here's a run down of the full selection available:
Gingerbread and Cream Latte: Espresso with steamed milk served with gingerbread flavoured syrup and topped with cream and a mini gingerbread man and a little sparkle.
White Hot Chocolate & Cream: White chocolate sauce with milk, topped with cream and cherry sauce and a little sparkle.
Black Forest Hot Chocolate: Hot Chocolate with a shot of blackberry syrup and topped with cream, cherry sauce and a sprinkle of Belgian dark chocolate curls.
Brownie Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate with a shot of brownie syrup and topped with cream and brownie fudge pieces.
Sticky Toffee Latte: Espresso with steamed milk served with sticky toffee flavoured syrup and topped with cream and and an extra drizzle of toffee sauce.
Orange Hot Chocolate: Hot chocolate with a shot of orange syrup, topped with magic dusting and pure Belgian chocolate.
Praline Cappuccino: Espresso blended with praline syrup with frothed milk and Costa magic dusting.
Have you tried any of the drinks from the Costa Christmas Menu 2014? I'll be heading back there this weekend to try out the Orange Hot Chocolate or Sticky Toffee Latte!