When Random House published Obama’s first memoir, Dreams From My Father, in 1994, they had to fill out a Certificate of Registration to copyright the book.
Attorney Dr. Orly Taitz obtained a copy of the Certificate of Registration for Dream From My Father, and noticed something odd. As Dr. Taitz explains:
In the area [of the certificate] where one has to post the birth date of the author, Obama posted USA. Clearly, a constitutional scholar and editor of Harvard law review should understand the meaning of the question: “what is your date of birth”. Shockingly, Obama answered USA.
So Dr. Taitz asked a typesetting expert, Paul Irey, to look at the certificate. Irey was certified as an expert by Judge Sherry Reid in an Obama eligibility trial in Indiana.
In an email to Dr. Taitz, Irey confirmed that:
- The typesetting for the word “USA” is different from the rest and it was done using a manual typewriter which was not in use by professional publishing houses in 1994.
- The word “USA” was typed in two other places on the certificate by two different typewriters because of the different font sizes.
- Irey also speculated that the certificate was “remade” because the country of birth was Kenya in the original “real” certificate. In other words, a forged form was created to replace the original Certificate of Registration.
Here’s the (fake) copyright Certificate of Registration for Dreams From My Father with the telltale signs of forgery circled in red (click image to enlarge):
See also:
- In 2007, Obama’s literary agent still says he was born in Kenya
- Former Marine: Obama said he was born in Kenya
- Yahoo! calls Kenya “country of Obama’s birth”
- Editor of Foreign Policy says Obama was born in Kenya
- Obama told Hawaii classmates he was Kenyan/Indonesian royalty
- Obama’s grandma calls him the “Kenyan Wonder-Boy”
- British National Archives show a son was born to Obama Sr. in 1961 in Kenya
- Kenyan official Says Obama born In Kenya
- NPR Says Obama Born In Kenya
- Michelle Called Kenya Obama’s Home Country