Cool Peep of the Week: Juicin’ Jil Larsen of Magic Mix Juicery
Who is the cool peep? Jil Larsen
Oy vey, lol…Born in Munich, my father being German and my mom, Danish, I have always considered myself somewhat of a nomad and have felt that home is wherever my mother is. I had this inner urge to explore New York City right after submitting my final dissertation for my Journalism degree at the age of 22 (at the time living in London, UK) and packed my bags and moved to NYC!
Not making the big bucks I had hoped for with journalism, I used my research and writing skills and got a ‘high paying high demanding’ job as a paralegal. I lived by the saying “work hard, play hard”, working 18-hour days and living off diet coke and pop-tarts. Two years into just living and not really feeling anything my body started speaking to me and rebelling. I started developing the skin pigmentation order known as Melasma (which is caused by a hormonal imbalance) and knew after visiting several doctors, that all told me to use bleaching creams and to stay out of the sun, that there had to be a better way. I started to get back to basics. Quit my job, got a dog, ate real food. Long walks in Central Park with Hendrix (my dog) and a way-too expensive juicer “the Norwalk” changed my life. I started feeling Happy and Joy and fulfilled again. I also started glowing, inside and out, to the point where friends (the ones that stuck by me through detox and lifestyle changes…) wanted to know my secret. Out of passion and a necessity for a place where real food and juice are the norm, Magic Mix Juicery came to life. Nowadays I love anything that makes me feel GOOD! I don’t believe “one solution fits all” and I encourage “bio-individuality” but I do know that Magic Mix let’s you add in the good thereby naturally crowding out the bad.
What are a few of your favorite things?
I love walking my dogs down by the Seaport to watch the sunrise. There is something magical about watching the ‘cotton candy clouds’ and feeling the city being still.
I am also slightly obsessed with Pinterest and gathering ideas for my boyfriend and I’s new apartment. I can’t get enough of the industrial/rustic/cozy look…Anything with lots of candles makes me happy.
What is on your wish list?
A big Farm where I could grow all my own fruits and vegetables with enough space for the entire family to life and visit and lots of animals! (Oh and a pool and sauna wouldn’t be bad either lol)
What’s your favorite haunt?
The Soho House in New York is probably my guilty pleasure. Lounging by the pool or in the club room it is always an easy and nice place to chill, meet friends or get some work done.
What’s playing on your iTunes/Pandora/Spotify etc., right now?

What handbag are you carrying and what is in it – right now?
I recently met my mom for a stint in Amsterdam and kept bugging her about a good daytime backpack. She was so amazing to go shopping with me and bought me a Prada backpack which is currently my life. It holds my mac, my favorite pens, Burt’s Bees lip balm, my wallet and of-course a lot of un-necessary female essentials cramping at the bottom of the bag lol…
What song plays when you walk into a room?
Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty
Where can we find you next?
You can always find me in the open kitchen of Magic Mix coming up with new creation such as our just recently created cold-pressed juice pops or drops and working with my awesome Tribe!
Follow (don’t STALK) Jil Larsen of Magic Mix Juicery on FB, Twitter and IG below.