How old was your child when you became a single mum?
I was a couple of months pregnant.
Did you ever imagine that you would become a single mum, what were your plans for your child?
“No, I imagined being in a happy marriage, I had no plans I found it hard to accept.”
Do you ever feel guilty that your child will not grow up with both parents?
How did you become a single mum? Was it your choice?
“It was not my choice, we found out I was pregnant and that same night he went and cheated on me and then dumped me a couple weeks later”.
What is the best thing about being a single mum?
“Getting my baby all to myself”
What is the worst thing about being a single mum?
“I HATED it when my ex would say ‘He is my boy’, I would feel that he isn’t because he only sees his son once or twice a week and would blow us off to go see his girlfriend or football. Also sometimes I would feel alone.”
How do you think single mums are stereotyped?
“I think they are stereotyped as young stupid girls.”
Does your child’s father still have an input in your child’s life?
“He sees his son but I wouldn’t say he has an input”
Do you think there is enough support for single mums?
“If they have family, friends but other then that no”
What do you miss most about being single?
Will you ever trust enough to allow a new person into your child’s life?
“ It took me 4/5months to let my current partner meet my child”
If you could go back in time what would you change about the relationship with your child’s father?
“ There are many things I would do to change my whole situation but it would be nice not to have it so awkward when he comes to the door. I would rather change the relationship I have with his partner.”
What will you tell your child happened when the time comes that they ask why you and their father are not together?
“I guess i’ll just say we didn’t make each other happy. “
Can you relate to anything that Lucy has said – if so let me know by leaving a comment