Business Magazine

Common Questions About Trucking Accidents

Posted on the 30 December 2013 by Webforjason

commercial trucks

Trucking accidents differ from other auto collisions in several ways. There are unique laws and rules which can apply to a trucking collision, as well as a few common questions that will likely come up. Knowing the basics about trucking accidents can help prepare you for worst case scenarios.

What’s the most common cause of trucking accidents? Unsurprisingly, it’s a tired driver behind the wheel. While there are plenty of laws in place to protect truck drivers from fatigue, the truth is that many drivers either feel pressured to deliver at a certain date or convince themselves they’re not as tired as they are. Federal guidelines require that no trucker drive over 16 hours in a 24-hour period, but that law is often broken, at a high price. Driving tired is just as dangerous, if not more so, than driving drunk.

So, Who’s At Fault?

Just like any other auto accident, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. In fact, when a truck is involved in a collision, there are even more people who may be at fault than the two people behind the wheel. For example, the truck driver’s employer may be found to be at fault if he encouraged the driver to get (or stay) behind the wheel beyond federal time regulations. A full investigation is necessary in order to determine who would be at fault.

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