Lifestyle Magazine

Commit to You

By Erynecarter06

Hi everyone! My name is Amalia, and I blog over at Live Travel Eat and Run. I’m so excited to be here today and to guest post for Eryn!

I want to discuss commitment with you. I have a commitment issue, but not in the traditional sense. I have no problem committing to others and following through when it comes to that.

I have commitment issues when it comes to taking care of myself. From yo-yo dieting, random exercise programs left unfinished, I’m the queen of excuses. I’m the queen of finding other things to do and to breaking plans with myself (unless they involve a nap or a night in with some movies and popcorn).

So here is how I am slowly overcoming that, and a strategy that I recommend for you.

Every day, when I wake up, I make three commitments to myself. They can be big or small but they should be reasonable. On a bad day those commitments can include having a nice hot shower or writing down three things I’m grateful for.

But no matter what happens, I get those three things done. Slowly but surely I am breaking my pattern of making excuses and not making time to ensure that I am choosing healthy living.

So far this strategy is working for me, and hopefully if you struggle with commitment to a healthy lifestyle, it will also help you.

So I challenge you to up your commitment – pick three things to do each day, and stick with it.


Follow Amalia at:


Twitter: @ama_liab

Instagram: @amaelibir

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