Hair & Beauty Magazine

Comic Relief 2013

By Shimmerofpink @shimmerofpink
Hellooo shimmers,
I think comic relief is a great cause. It raises money to help those I places like Africa where the difference between life and death is a mosquito net or a vaccination. There are many ways you can get involved and help raise money for comic relief.
The first thing is you could fundraise; have a bake sale, a car boot sale, there are many suggestions on the Red Nose Day website. At our school we are having a dress down day and we each pay £1 which is given to comic relief.
On the 15th of March on BBC 1 is the Comic Relief show. With live music and sketches from various comedians, soap stars and actors. During that night there will be a phone number and a text number that you can use to donate to comic relief.
Red noses dinosaurs
Or you could purchase the traditional red nose. This year they even have feet! You can pick one or three if these up in Sainsburys, TK Maxx and many other places.
one direction comic relief single one way or another teenage kicks
Or purchase One Directions comic relief single for 99p and the money made will be donated to comic relief. The boys also made the video themselves and the money saved by doing that is being donated to comic relief. Good job lads!
red nose day wrist band
There are many other products that you can buy which donate the money to charity including this wrist band.
Marilyn monroe red nose day
Or one of the many items designed by Stella McCartney such as this Marilyn Monroe Top.
Kate moss red nose day
Or like this Kate Moss top also designed by Stella McCartney.
comic relief the great bake off
There is also this wonderful Bake off book especially made for comic relief which will hopefully get you in the mood to host a bake sale to raise money.
the beetles red nose day comic relief
The last product is the Beetles top by Stella McCartney. It is my favorite design of the t-shirts.
I hope you are getting involved in some way or another and do your part to help raise as much money as possible for such an amazing charity.
Laura x

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