Comedy writing isn't just about writing, you have to also have people READ it. Okay, maybe not but it's a lot more fun anyway. I've come across a couple of web sites that seem to be good sources for posting your writing, exchanging writing ideas with others, selling books, etc . . I'm in the process of checking them out, so feel free to do the same.
If you try them, let me know what you think. Or if you know of others that you really like, send those over as well.
Thanks, - if you're writing about true stuff, check this site out! - if you want to market your book, this group is great. I heard about some of these sites from them. - for women writers - independent book publishers association ..for those of us who did it our way.
Linkedin . . .you can write and post articles on here! Pretty cool . . check it out . . this has been around for a while. . it's still viable. They have to review all submissions, so it takes longer, but what the heck do you care? - if you like to read, you MUST sign up here! They send out a daily email with books reduced down to everything from $2.99 to free . . .and you can pick the genre you like. You can also get your books listed. I've been buying books from here for a while . . .but may put mine on one of the promotions - they'll put your book up on many of the book selling sites - like barnes and noble - that would take you a long time to figure out. I'm working on getting my books on here as well
I hope this helps. There are dozens of other places I'm sure . . but these are what I've been focusing on for the moment.
Enjoy the weekend!
Jan - Jan's main website - Jan's site for health care keynotes