Thanks to my sweet mom and sisters, I had the most beautiful baby shower yesterday (despite snow and freezing weather!) I’ve included a handful of pictures…as well as the words I shared with our shower guests yesterday. I am a blessed woman indeed!

I was lucky enough to grow up in a family of women. I have an amazing father…but the testosterone ended there. Between three sisters, a mother, and a handful of female dogs, I grew up under the cloak of estrogen. And although I didn’t admit it out loud when I found out we were pregnant, I desperately wanted a little girl. When our ultrasound technician gave us the officially news (after Ryan had already correctly pointed out female anatomy), I cried tears of happiness.

Like me, Lucy will also come into a world full of beautiful and strong women, as well as the best father I could ever hope she could have. I’d like to take a moment to recognize a few of those women here…and what I hope Lucy will learn from their presence.

To Halley (my one and only niece):
I hope Lucy learns from how well you care for your brothers. They all look up to you, and they take delight in your attention and affection. I hope Lucy learns to dance like you, to sing like you, and to embrace the world with open arms…even after going through some very dark and difficult days.

To Susanne (my older sister and best friend):
I hope Lucy learns how to listen like you do. You have a way of making people feel at ease with themselves…and inspiring them to follow their dreams. When I’m around you, I feel brave and beautiful. I know Lucy will too. I also hope Lucy learns from your perseverance, your ability to love and hope in spite of loss. I hope she shares her story with as much grace and courage as you do. Because it’s those stories that change the world.

To Noelle (my little sister and best friend):
I hope Lucy is as strong as you. I know it’s hard to be away from home, but you’re following your dreams, and you’ve already accomplished so much. I hope that Lucy has the strength of character to plumb the desires of her heart and to follow them. I hope Lucy has the same beautiful brown eyes that you do. I hope she can make us laugh as much as you used to when you were a little girl.

To Debbie (Ryan’s mom):
I hope Lucy develops as much love and loyalty for her family as you have for our family. I hope she learns to stand up for herself and for the people she loves. I hope she treats our and her animals with as much love and compassion as you treats yours. And I hope that one day, she’ll raise a son as sweet and giving as Ryan. He’s the greatest gift I’ve ever received.

To Mom:
I hope Lucy is as creative as you are. I hope she learns to love art and music…and I pray that she fills our home with as many creations as you’ve filled ours. I hope she learns to care for those that are hurting like you’ve cared for me and so many others. I hope she’s as graceful as you are, as beautiful as you are, and I pray that she and I are as close as you and I are now.