Friday I ran across not one, but two posts about different aspects of collecting that I would like to share. The first is about “completist collectors”:
10 Insane Completist Collectors
I know I consider myself a bit of a completist, but these examples are extreme. I admit there have been times I have seen something for sale on eBay, and thought to myself that I should buy it even though I already owned a copy of it. Fortunately, money has prevented me from acting on such impulses.
The second post is a feel-good story of a man who finds a toy from his childhood:
Man finds long-lost toy at Winnipeg collectibles store
I never marked or labelled my toys in any way as a child, so this story could never happen to me, but it is nice to think of it happening to someone else.
Coming up next: an anonymous exhibit of one of my most sought-after items!