I don’t know. The jury is still out for me as to whether or not I like statement collars. The collar is definitely having its moment as a trend. You can find plenty of shirts with ornate collar details all over the place. It’s an interesting trend, yet, the whole idea of a detachable collar still has me wondering if I will partake or not.
Regardless of the fact that I am wishy-washy, I still wondered if I could put together some interesting looks using statement collar accessories. Here are some looks I styled. Let me know how you feel about them.

It's all about the novelty collar.
The Little Black Dress

It could be interesting to take a statement collar to update a little black dress and give it a whole new look. Everyone who owns a basic, black shift dress is surely looking for a new way to make it interesting. Hmm, a statement collar could work.

Adding frill to a Modern Piece

If your style is a bit more sleek and modern, yet you’ve been considering adding a touch of femininity to it, perhaps starting small and investing in a girly lacy collar is a way to do it. By doing it this way you can keep your modern style and then, when you’re feeling a little girly, you can pop the collar on when you want to feminize it. A whole new looks is created and you didn’t have to trash your current wardrobe. You can have it both ways, apparently.

Instead of a Necklace

Statement collars are also being worn like necklaces. Have a favorite sweater from last year that you’d love to update for this fall? Perhaps investing in a statement collar is the way to go? It is possible to make what is old new again.

As an Embellishment

Instead of seeing a statement collar as just a collar, what about looking at it like a pop or accent that finishes off a more basic top and changes the entire look of the top? It’s like two outfits in one.

To Avoid Bulk

If you like the look of a button down underneath a slim sweater, then a statement collar may be the right choice for you. Although, I’d sooner go for a CeCe Topping before I’d choose a detachable collar, but that’s just me.

If a Statement Collar is Just Too Much Look For You

Collar Tips. Can Be Added to Any Collar
So, you’ve decided, a statement collar isn’t your thing. Another way to embrace the novelty collar trend is with collar tips.
I know, the 1980′s called and they want their trend back, but hear me out. Collar tips, like these available on Asos.com, can be added to any collar, allowing you to take the plunge cautiously.
Body Tips to Keep In Mind When Adding a Collar to Your Look
Before you run out and buy a big old novelty statement collar to add to your fall wardrobe, thinking about whether or not you have the right body for a bold collar is important. If you have a short neck, you want to avoid any extreme collars or collars that sit too high on your neck. Short necks looks shorter in any necklaces and high collars.
How do you know if you have a short neck? It’s simple. Drop your chin to your chest. Without straining, if your neck easily touches or rests on your chest, then you have a short neck and should proceed with caution with this trend or choose flatter collars, like peter pan collars or collars that don’t sit too high on the neck.