This post is not about beauty but it is about a new book release that I want to share with you all. Happy Release Day to me!!!! Collage is live on amazon as of today November 16, 2018. It is a 90k novel full of romance, crime and mystery.
Jack Wharton is an “Old Philadelphian.” That’s the name given to people whose families can trace their roots back to the origin of the City of Philadelphia, well before the United States became a country. He left that life of privilege long ago to become a homicide detective on the Philadelphia Police Force. When highly educated call girls begin to turn up dead, Jack soon realizes that he is connected to the murders; he just doesn’t know how.
Dr. Emily Dawson has left her practice as a Clinical Psychiatrist to accept a position as the Dean of the Psychology Department at the University of Pennsylvania. When she meets Jack at a party and they hit it off, neither one of them have any idea what they will go through together before the semester even gets underway.
Set in the beautiful City of Philadelphia and on the sandy beaches of Cape May, New Jersey, “Collage” is a story of love, trust, revenge and danger, and how everything is connected.
Here is the amazon link: Happy Reading!