Food & Drink Magazine

Coconut Cookies

By Greengirl @GrinGarl
What is your favorite cookie? My favorite has to be crispy on the outside and chewy on the inside. If that's your favorite too than keep reading, you're going to love these cookies. 
Coconut Cookies
Before I tell you more about these cookies I'd like to apologize for being mostly M.I.A. I have a pair of clutches helping me around the house and everything is in slow motion, including this blog.
A couple of month ago I decided to give up on chocolate and since then I ate just a little so most of my treats were chocolate free. You can probably add some mini chocolate chips to the dough or maybe drizzle some melted chocolate on top right after baking. Oh, only the thought of a chocolate-coconut cookie makes me drool instantly.
Coconut Cookies
The cookies are so easy to make. While the oven is getting hot, you cream the butter with the sugar (I used only dark brown sugar). Add the egg and vanilla followed by the dry ingredients. Place spoonful of cookie dough on baking sheets and bake until golden. That's all, told you they are easy to make. 
What I liked about these cookies was that even after 5 days (that's how much they lasted) they were still crisp and chewy although I kept them on a plate on the dinning table.
Coconut Cookies
For the recipe you have to visit my friend Lizzy's blog

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