Fashion Magazine

Cocktails and a Chat. No. 1

By Hpranitis @_thisandthat_
This is a fun new series that will appear every Wednesday, Hump Day.  Short and sweet.  Blunt and bold.
I've got two bloggy friends who've agreed to participate in my weekly series!  Sergio from LePorkstar and Kori from Blonde Episodes.  And yes, I have met them in person and consider them both to be great friends!
So, this is how each post will work:  Sergio, Kori and I will let you know our cocktail of choice for the "chat" and then give you the topic, and then our commentary.  Then it's time for you to weigh in!
Here we go...
What cocktails are we having this fine Wednesday evening?
Sergio:  a fruity cognac wine that I can't remember the name of...

Kori:  my new Malbec from Argentina
Heather:  Coppola Pinot Noir
The topic up for discussion this evening is first dates and love at first sight. A special shout out and thanks to my boyfriend, Scott, for the topic.  Thanks sweetie!

Sergio:  No such thing as love at first sight... More like lust at first sight yes, no.  I think as time passes by, it is more difficult to get that love at first sight thing.  To me is more like, an incredible attraction at first sight... Something that shuffles all of your senses, but the heart?  Just not yet.  There certainly can be a strong chemistry between two people, and people with little experience may say yes - as in, I'm marrying that person but, yeah it can happen.  But emotional love per se, on a first date, only creepy men would feel that, in my opinion.  First dates... Exciting.  Anticipation build up, making out, and (for me) ok to bump uglies on the first date.   

Kori:  ...first dates are either super fun or completely suck.  I think you have the connection or you don't.   I don't remember someone growing on me.  I've liked them from the beginning or not.  The love at first sight thing, not so sure about.

Heather: at first sight?  Nope.  For me, it's more of a "hot and sexy" feeling or a "WOW" factor.  It's more of a feeling "that I really like this person and definitely want to get to know them better"; it's kind of like the date that you don't want to end, you know what I mean?  Don't get me wrong, I've definitely felt a "connection" or "vibe" hence, why else would I want to see the person again but, not love at first sight -- nope, not me.  And first dates...make me really nervous - it's amazing the person actually can "experience" the real me on the date because I'm normally very nervous.  Extremely!  Every single time.  It's funny I know, but so very true!  However, first dates can be so-so, go really well or be very unpleasant!  Been there, done that!
Alright, it's time for you to add your two-sense and let Sergio, Kori and I know what you think...?
Let us know what's your cocktail this evening and your comments!
Cocktails and a Chat. No. 1  

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