Expat Magazine

Close Encounters of the Inflatable Kind…..

By Mint Mocha Musings @nicoledwebb


 Look what I found in my backyard……

Inflatable poo at Kowloon Park, Hong Kong

Yes! Watch your step – this is a giant pile of p*#!!

Or perhaps better known as a ‘Complex Pile’ by Paul McCarthy (USA)

It’s 15 metres high and 33 metres long and it’s part of  ’Mobile M+:Inflation’ – A (con)temporary sculpture park of inflatables.’

There are six inflatable pieces, including this giant pair of female legs next to a big black cockroach! 

A giant cockroach and a pair of legs!

Or, artistically known as “Falling into the Mundane World” by Tam Wai Ping. (Hong Kong)

But wait there’s more… 

Then, this – a very pink, pumped up suckling pig.

‘House of Treasures’ by Cao Fei (China)

Pumped up inflatable pig in Kowloon Park, Hong Kong

And this: An oversized Lotus flower!

Otherwise known as ‘Emptiness is Form, Form is Emptiness’ by Choi Jeong Haw (South Korea)

Inflatable Lotus Flower, Kowloon Park, Hong Kong

Then there was Stonehenge…..not just any old Stonehenge, an inflatable, bouncy castle Stonehenge!

Or, ‘Sacrilege’ by Jeremy Deller (UK)  

Bouncy castle Stonehenge in Hong Kong

(The line up to jump around amongst one of the world’s most famous existing prehistoric monuments was long!)

So we carried on…and last but by no means least, these vibrant red balloons, just floating in the wind…

Technically known as ‘With the Wind’ by Jiakun Architect (China)

Inflatable red balloons, Kowloon Park, Hong Kong

These inflatable sculptures are meant to evoke emotions that may seem familiar, jarring or even both…and to pose questions about the nature of public art and the ways in which audiences might engage with it.

And that’s not all that’s inflatable around these parts right now! Meet this 16.5-metre Rubber Duck by Dutch artist Florentijn Hofman! Before making his way to Hong Kong’s Victoria Harbour, he’s been busy bobbing up and down in the giant bathtub’s of Sydney, Osaka and Amsterdam.

Inflatable rubber duck in Hong Kong

Rubber Duck

 S0! What do you think of my backyard?  


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