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It has been six weeks since my previous infusion of IVIG for my now well-behaved ITP and my platelets remain near 400,000, a very healthy level. Post splenectomy counts tend to run a touch higher than normal limits but it certainly seems with these results, I can safely stretch out visits to the cancer center to every seven and then eight weeks.
Dr. Byrd is behind this as long as my trough IGG (immune globulin G) level stays > 600. That level is a bit below normal, but safe.
More good news.
My absolute lymphocyte count remains nice and low. Neutrophils remain rock steady. Monos remain a touch high. All good.
The only slight annoyance to an otherwise joyous lab report was the slight drop of my hemoglobin to 13.1, back into the mildly anemic range. Last time it was 14.4. The time six weeks before that was 14.6.
Those last two blood counts represented the first time since my hematopoietic stem cell transplant more than five years ago that I have had two CBCs in a row that showed no anemia.
However, if I look back to April 2013 my Hgb. was 13.2.
I was hoping it would be staying in the > 14 gram range and maybe even start to climb to where it was pre-CLL in the high 15s, but it continues to bounce around in a narrow range of low normal to normal. I refuse to be concerned unless I see a downhill trend. What I see instead is this pattern of the same minor ups and downs over the last three years of blood counts.
I teach others that in most circumstances, one blood count in CLL means little. It is the trends that matter.
I will listen to my own counsel.
So no worries. At least until my next infusion seven weeks from now in October! My veins are so happy.
Talking about IVs, while here with a needle in in my right arm, I spoke with a young CLL friend doing well after HDMP+R (high dose methylprednisolone and rituximab) at UCSD with Dr. Castro who now is considering a Campath mop-up. With his blood clean and no abnormal nodes, he has only < 1% CLL left in his marrow. He is less inclined, and I agree, to follow such a course with all the new meds in the pipeline. The calculation of the risk benefit ratio of prolonging the remission versus the real danger of serous infection from the knocking out of the B and T cell population with Campath may be shifting.
And I Skyped with a friend in Ireland whose wife with CLL has a growing solitary cervical node and a upper respiratory infection on the same side. We discussed the differential diagnosis with a reactive benign node (the typical nodes that swell in response to an infection) being number one, relapse number two, and Richter’s the least likely in the absence of a rising LDH and more malaise. Also she was only received rituximab therapy in the past, has no high-risk deletions, and is mutated, making the last diagnosis even less likely.
I point these two cases out to remind us all that there is no one size fits all in CLL, and along the way, we are faced with a myriad of big and little decisions and worries.
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