Politics Magazine

Clinton Crime Family

Posted on the 03 November 2016 by Adask

YouTube videos critical of Hillary Clinton are erupting en masse.  For the past week, I haven’t been able to open my email without receiving more videos (lots more videos) exposing Hillary for one crime or another.  Some people believe that the “establishment” has turned on Hillary and is allowing her to be destroyed.  I won’t trust and believe such reports unless and until Hillary actually loses the election.

Nevertheless, we’re catching more and more evidence of massive criminality within government–as well as some evidence that some elements of government may be trying to “do the right thing”.  Some of these “do-gooders” are roughly 100 FBI agents who’ve reportedly resigned from the FBI in protest against allowing Hillary to figuratively (and perhaps, literally) “get away with murder”.

I’m not impressed by those FBI resignations.  When these “good guys” silently resign from the racket and run away, they surrender the FBI and other government agencies to the  gangsters of Hilary’s ilk.  It takes far more courage–and deserves far more respect–to stand up, speak out, go public and fight rather than quietly resign.

And why do they quietly resign? Perhaps, because they see no hope in openly battling against the criminals who are entrenched and predominant in government.  Therefore the “good guys” go quietly and cowardly into the night as an admission that they are badly outnumbered by the “bad guys”.

Even so, we’re seeing evidence that there are actually a few “good guys” in the government who care more about their personal integrity than they do about their jobs.  For some of us,that’s a surprise and cause for modest celebration.  For example, the following video alleges that a former FBI assistant director is speaking out against Hillary, Bill and their “crime family”.

Just days before the election, the wheels appear to be coming off the Clinton Campaign.  That doesn’t mean that Hillary still can’t steal the election.  Not enough “good guys” have come forward to expose Hillary’s criminal acts to guarantee that she’ll lose next Tuesday.  But the tide that should’ve turned against Hillary months ago (or even years ago) is turning against her now, just days before the election.  (What incredible drama!)  Will this “turn” be enough to guarantee that Hillary loses?  Or is this astonishing “turn” already too little, too late?

Perhaps the strangest question may be this:  Will Hillary’s criminality surprise everyone(especially Hillary) by serving to reignite American morality?  Could this be the last election when any political party dares to run a gangster for public office?

We shall see . . . in about five days.

video     00:02:54

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