A very weird issue happened recently with one of my code. I created a nice html css template, which was working pretty good in my machine. I sent that template to one of my friend. But when he was seeing that template in Chrome, it was showing block of empty white space at the bottom of the page.
My friend sent me a screenshot which was showing lot of empty space at the bottom of the page. I tried to reproduce it on my machine, but I was unable to reproduce.

Extra Whitespace at Bottom of Page in Chrome
I tried different ways to reproduce it, but couldn’t. Checked my code, but still no clue.
Then I started debugging it on his machine itself.
While inspecting in Google Chrome, I found this very weird code at the end of the page which was responsible for adding up extra space at the bottom of the page in google chrome.
Which was really very weird.
After seeing DAP, quickly my friend told me that he is having DAP (Download Acclerator Plus) installed.
We just disabled the chrome plugin of DAP and voila ! There was no extra empty white space at the bottom of the page.
Actually DAP installs a Chrome extension and sometimes that extension inserts the above code in the page.
Hope this helps in getting rid of at least one weird error condition.
Have you ever ran into this kind of weird problem ?