As the year comes to a closeit's time for my annualChristmas Reflection PostI can't believe I started these over a decade ago!

It's here where I reflect on the seasonand share some of my favorite decorating tipsas much to share as to remember for next year myself!

This Christmas season was a wonderful one to be sure!With my son and his family back from Texasand living locally there was so much goodness to be celebrated!

Our vintage Santa was once again above the fireplace mantel!He came to us worn and imperfect from a sweet antique store years ago.His wear and tear imperfections make me love him even more!

I once again decorated with my own lemon harvest!I just love bringing in local abundance to ny decorating scheme!

Christmas cookies were once again made in our housewith the sweetest little baker!having our grandchildren here for the seasoninstead of a dayfilled my heart so full!
And yes, Crowns were madeas well a the most imaginative Christmas ornaments!I have a renewed appreciation of the humble pipe cleaner!

One decorating tip I want to remember next yearis using a simple mixed branch wreath from Trader Joe'sTwo wreaths got me through the whole month long season.I simply hung them with some gorgeous jingle bells.So with every entrance or exitthe bells jingled with the most aromatic Christmas tree smell!

I once again pulled a rack of my holiday favorites.Since I converted unused bedroom to closetsI have a place to have outfit possibilities all together.It really makes dressing for the seasoneasy and fun!It feels like my own little curated store!

It gives me quick and fanciful outfits!

I can pull basics together and easily add some holiday cheerwhich makes necessary holiday errands so much more fun.I think it just elevates the necessary!

Like each year we go to decorate the family gravesite.We went twice this yearbecause the cemetery changed the decorating dates.Going to decorate isn't as sad as it was some years.Now going with our big tree, decorations and nativity seems so much about honoring my family than the horrible loss it has been some years.
It also makes me cherish every single dayi have with those I love.Death can really make you appreciate the everyday, every day.

On a much lighter notewe had a lovely holiday time at Disneyland!!I wanted a bit of whimsy for my outfitso I converted my favorite lunchpail into a purse!

I simply added a bold gold chain to the top!

Back home our vintage friends made a reappearance!The cutest part of this decoris that it is Jeff's idea and love!Every time he brings them outI can see his childlike wonder and happiness!I think it's such a beautiful thingthat no matter how old we getthere are certain things that can remind us of our own child like wonder!

This year I added ornaments to the three faux treesbehind our vintage characters.This extra touch made me so happy!Especially in the afternoon when they sparkled in the sunlight!

This was the first year my poinsettias made it until after Christmas!I took a break this year from my usual paper whitesso I used my planter for festive red!I simply planted three poinsettias from Trader Joe's.It was so quick and easyfor such an abundant pop of holiday cheer!

I sprinkled in some color into our courtyard.I'm thinking this area might need a use update.It's such a great intimate space but we haven't actually used it in ages.Redoing spaces always makes me happy and excited.Which is why I've been so happy with our little house and gardens for almost 30 years!

Our backyard which we always usegot a sprinkle of holiday cheer as well!Especially our 'little house' that Jeff built!This is the first year It had it's beautiful green paintso it took a little Christmas cheer so happily!
The little house was built originally for storagebut it is morphing into the best little play area for our grandchildrenbecause one of the things I have stored for decadesare the great collection of toys my children have had.It's become a bit of toy wonderland!

One holiday tip I've taught myselfis to do all of my holiday fluff gardening in White!!I used to add so much red into finishing my potsonly to pull it all out before New Years.Now I fill everything with whites onlyand add in red with simple decorations.

So when Christmas is over my garden is all dressed up in whitesall ready for the New Year!

We had Christmas crafts and pajamas!

Added fun holiday cheer to the 'show room" ( as in watching)sweetest name given by our granddaughter Len!Which included Christmas lights, paper chains and handmade pipe cleaner ornaments.All the teddy bears had Santa hats as well!

We got to go to the Laguna Beach Hotelfor lunch and drinks with our daughter and her husband!

The weather and the view couldn't have been better!

For Christmas MorningI rearranged the living room to accommodate our family!It makes my heart so happy that our little house can change so easily!

All the presents had been wrapped with care!this year I opted for a collection of happy wrapping papersfinished with felts strips I cut.Using felt is still one of my favorite holiday wrapping tipsbecause you can cut 'ribbons' to the scale of the boxes!And felt holds it shape for the bows!

I just love my Christmas tree so much!Bringing out sentimental ornaments and working them into a design schemeis always so fun for me!One of my earliest memories of loving the design processwas arranging and rearranging presents under the tree as a child!
This little snippet of our treehas the very first present I ever bought Jeff!It's the little bride bear ornament.I bought it a couple of days after I met him.I shopped all over for a little teddy bear to be friendswith one of his teddy bears(it was a whole story)But the short version isthe only bear I could find in all if South Coast Plazawas this one!Who knew 37 years later how prophetic this sweet little bear ended up to be!

Now for some Christmas super cuteness!!

One of my favorite ideas of Christmas this year wasmaking pizza!!Ellis came up with the idea of everyone making their own pizzafrom all types of topping choices and fresh dough!
It was such a fun idea and activityfrom just present opening!
We are thinking this might be a new Christmas Tradition!!

The Crown crafts that Ellis bought for Lenwere also a huge hit!

So next year I want to remember to addpizza making and craftsto our day of opening presents!

Thank you so much for stopping byfor this extremely long Christmas Season Reflection!
Wishing you and yours all the very best in the New Year!

As always my friends
I wish you love and joyas you style your life