Lifestyle Magazine

Christmas Q&A with High Valley, Cory Marquardt, and Livy Jeanne!

By Phjoshua @thereviewsarein

The Reviews Are In Stars ChristmasWe love Christmas. It’s such a great time of year to see smiles on people’s faces and when a little kid unwraps a new present – that look is pretty magical.

This year we’re celebrating with some Q&A fun thanks to some of our favourites in Canadian country music. We tried it last year and had a ton of fun with Tim Hicks, Kira Isabella, Runaway Angel, Meghan Patrick, and Riki Knox.

So, here’s part 1 of our Canadian Country Music Christmas Q&A!

Let’s start with an easy one… do you have a favorite Christmas Carol or hymn?

High Valley Boots and Hearts 2015
High Valley: Go Tell it on the Mountain

Cory Marquardt: I like a lot of Christmas songs but one that stands out to me isn’t really a carol but “If We Make It Through December” by Merle Haggard.

Livy Jeanne: I would have to say “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas” It just makes me super happy… such a in love sounding song as well as “I’ll Be Home For Christmas“.

Food is a big part of the holiday process, will you tell us what your favorite part of Christmas dinner is?

Livy Jeanne CNE 2015 Northern Comfort Saloon
Livy Jeanne: Hmmmmmm thats pretty tough… Ive been very blessed to have a fantastic mom who has always made unreal dishes… but i would have to say sweet potato casserole and some of the popular Ukrainian dishes… Nalysnyky, Cabbage Rolls, Pierogies and Perishke. We also have this silly tradition where my mom would buy those crackers filled with usually some random toy/game, a riddle and a paper hat. Its always hilarious watching everyone eat christmas dinner in a paper hat that is either way too tight or way to big.

High Valley: Our sister Cindy makes double crusted chocolate pie. It looks like apple pie, but with home made chocolate custard.

Cory Marquardt: The whole thing is awesome. The amount of different foods and desserts but most importantly enjoying a huge meal with your family. We do Christmas crakers after dinner and read the jokes in them while enjoying our drink of choice. I love that!

Let’s take it back a little with this one. What was your #1 present when you were a kid?

Cory Marquardt CNE 2015
Cory Marquardt: When I was about 10 Santa brought me this huge F-14 Tomcat. This wicked looking fighter jet in which the wings would sweep back and forth electronically and with missiles that could fire with the press of a button. For those that are unaware…This was the same jet in the movie Top Gun!

Livy Jeanne: For some random reason I remember getting one of those giant tigers that were usually featured in a sears catalog. It was just sitting under the tree with a big red bow on it. I also always enjoyed opening one gift on christmas eve, which was usually PJs.

High Valley: Brad -> Super Nintendo with NHL 97. Curtis -> Donkey Kong

Maybe this one will take us back too… do you have a favorite Christmas movie or TV special?

Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
High Valley: ELF

Cory Marquardt: Home alone. Both movies are timeless!

Livy Jeanne: I loved all the disney christmas movies . The Santa Claus, Home Alone… but the one I remember watching the most was Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer.

Last one, and we think we’ve saved the best. What is your favorite celebratory drink when you’re celebrating during the holiday season?

Jack Daniels Winter Jack
Livy Jeanne: When I can have booze hahaha champagne…. but non alcoholic my favorite would have to be an Egg Nog Latte.

High Valley: Hot Chocolate with tons of whipped cream.

Cory Marquardt: Rum and eggnog with Dad and the brother. I got my Dad on a new celebratory drink called “Winter Jack”. I think we both enjoy that one, you should try it out!

Big thank you to Brad, Curtis, Cory, and Livy for playing along… we wish them all a Merry Christmas.

Stay tuned for more Christmas Q&A fun coming soon. Be Awesome!

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