Hair & Beauty Magazine

Christmas Night Out!

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
Hi everyone!
Last weekend, myself any the girlys went out to dinner at our favorite restaurant and then had drinks later.  What a night!  I wanted to show you my makeup and hair for the night aswell so I'll put the pictures in below. 

Christmas Night Out!


For dinner I had panzanella with garlic dip, and a chicken and garlic pizza. It was SOOOO good and the restaurant was nicely decorated with pretty tinsel and a christmas tree etc it was so lovely and they were even playing christmas music in the background. 
We also managed to drink over half of a bottle of sambuca, which may sound like bad times to you but it was great for us! lol 

Christmas Night Out!

Black & White pic of my hair & makeup AND my amazing earrings!

Sarah Jane also burst my lip with a seatbelt... that WAS bad times! haha! we then went onto deja vu where we danced the night away, we also noticed the pub emptied not long after we arrived, I think they were trying to tell us something haha! 
I made my hair quite dramatic with big curls and a side swept fringe and went for hollywood glam with a red lip. I even wore GORGEOUS earrings which were a little bit OTT but I adore them.
Anyways, I hope you are enjoying the festivities and please do share links to pictures of your Christmassy nights out! I'd loooove to see them!

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