We got back from an afternoons Christmas shopping in Llandudno for stocking fillers and a spot of lunch yesterday to find this in the garage. It was in a cardboard box but when Alan picked it up the bottom literally fell out of it as it was so soggy.
It's our annual Christmas 'thank you' present from the company Alan works through for the day job. They downgraded from the Fortnum and Mason ones we used to get a couple of years ago, but these are just as lovely.

Inside the little cool pack were these.

And the rest of the hamper, once it was cleared of the paper straw ...

...was full of these.
Not a bad selection, it should keep Alan and any Christmas guests in tasty nibbles for quite a while. Unfortunately there is little of it that I can eat just the mince pies and the onion marmalade, but it is a lovely gift and very appreciated.

After a nice lunch out and then coming home to sort through all this food, all that we could manage for our supper was a chip bun each ... very tasty washed down with a can of cider :-)
Sue xx