Fashion Magazine

Christmas Cemetery Visit

By Tamera Beardsley @tamerabeardsley
Christmas Cemetery Visit
 Jeff and I once again visited the cemetery to decorate the gravesite ofmy Mom, Dad and sister.
Christmas Cemetery Visit
As the years move on the cemetery has become to feel more like a place of comfort.Decorating feels like a sweet way to remember and honor their lives.
Christmas Cemetery Visit
Christmas time at the cemetery feels like a community.Grief and loss can feel lonely sometimesBeing around other people celebrating the lives of those they've lost and lovedcan be a comfort.
This year the the decorating rules were abruptly changedso there was an opportunity to talk to other peoplewho were also shocked at the change as they were attemptingto decorate their family graves.We met the most interesting woman and got to know all about her family and share some stone cleaning tips.
My take away from our visit this yearjust how much we all have in commonandyou can find Silver Linings every where.
Christmas Cemetery Visit

As always my friends

I wish you love and joyas you style your life

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