Simple easy original chocolate cup cakes, are moist, light, chocolate and topped with creamy buttercream frosting. These are not over powering like a dense chocolate fudge cake, more like light airy chocolaty sweet cupcake.

My dad wanted some cupcakes to take to work, so how can i say no to that. A quick hour of baking is like relaxation to me. It lets me have a little me time and puts me in my element, I know this may sound strange, but since losing the weight five years, baking and cooking is like an outlet for me. I call it 'baking therapy', and this girl always needs some 'baking therapy'!

There is something about a chocolate cup cake than brings out the child in me. Cupcakes remind me of children birthday parties, even though they are for all ages, but a cupcake with sprinkles always gives me that feeling.

4oz Margarine
4oz Caster Sugar
4oz Self Raising Flour
1oz Cocoa
1 Tsp Vanilla
2 Eggs
1 Tbsp Milk
2oz Soften Butter
7oz Icing Sugar
1oz Cocoa

Add margarine, sugar, flour, cocoa, vanilla, eggs and milk to a mixing bowl and mix on medium too high speed for about 2 minutes, spoon into cup cake cases and bake in the oven at 170c for 20-25 minutes.

Allow the cup cakes to cool completely.

Add butter, icing sugar and cocoa to a mixing bowl and mix.

Once the mixture becomes smooth then stop mixing.

Pipe the icing over the cup cakes and add some sprinkles to decorate.

Simple easy chocolate cup cakes