Chloé EDP 50ml
I'm continually searching for 'the one' in a perfume, and this time, I think it could be it. My scent. My very own personal scent that people associate me with and fits me perfectly.
And now we get into the description, which I'll try my best at, but you'll have to bear with me because it's really not an easy task describing a scent. It's sweet, but not overly so, and not too aged if that even makes sense. It's more of a 'I'm a sophisticated young women who wears perfume' than 'I want to smell like an old lady' and definitely no where near the 'I'm 12 years old and have just discovered sickly sweet scents that I will now proceed to drown myself in' which I think we all have suffered from at some point in time.
There's a slight floral rosy hint to it which balances perfectly with the sweetness and it's light enough for me to wear everyday which is nice.
What I'm basically getting at is that for now, it's love, but who knows how long this perfume floozy will stick with it.
What's your favorite scent at the moment?