Family Magazine

Childrens Place, Mr. Compton Rocks and Granny's 90th

By Accidentalxpert @AccidentalXpert
The weekend was slow in the Smith Household. Somewhat boring. Yesterday I mowed for the second time this week. My right hand man, that helps with the yards and dogs and whatever else I'm too busy to tackle at the moment, is down for the count for a few weeks.
This week I am trying to pull together Granny's surprise 90th birthday that's on Saturday. Food is ordered. Cake is ordered. And I have began calling a list of about 100 friends and family. Consider yourself invited if I don't get a hold of you. We only turn 90 once..........and most of us won't.
Yesterday I also cleaned out closets and took inventory for school clothes. I determined I will have to completely empty closets and start over. Lord, boys are hard on clothes. They had nothing they had not worn a million times. My suggestion to Children's Place clothes. They last and look like new more then any other brand I've ever purchased. That will fly for the little boys, unfortunately it's American Eagle or nothing for Peyton. He's gonna be a 8th grader ya know. It's true, the older they get the more expensive they get. I am thankful I am able to get him what he wants if that makes him feel more comfortable. Some call it spoiling and express it's not necessary to get such expensive clothes for kids. My comeback........mind your own business. He works his butt off for me the majority of the time without having to be asked more then 4 by golly......he's gonna get what he wants.
Pey was nice enough to babysit for us last Friday night. We left this house at 9pm (that's never happen) and went to a friends house and listened to music and had adult time. It was only for a three hours but it done my soul good. In the words of my very intelligent psyc nurse practitioner friend......."you gotta get away from them dam kids once in a while".  Thank you. We needed it. It was great to clear my head after the week I have had. And kuddos to Dylan Compton. He is a 17 year old boy who is the most talented young man I have even known. Lyrics and music that come out of this boys head are the best I have ever heard in my whole existence. Two words. Cold chills. You will hear this boys name again. Mark my words.
I hope the weekend was fun and relaxing and left y'all ready to tackle the week ahead.

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