Books Magazine

Children’s Hour: The Train Ride

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

Children’s Hour: The Train RideChildren’s Hour is a feature posted every Thursday here at Lucybird’s Book Blog. Children’s Hour is my time for reviewing children’s picture books. In my job in a nursery I encounter lots of children’s books, and these are the books I use for Children’s Hour.

You can find links to past Children’s Hour posts here.

I’d love to hear everybody’s experiences of the books I review too, and feel free to post me a link to your own reviews, I’d love to make this a bit interactive.

The image (if you were wondering) is taken from Shirley’s Hughes’ Alfie and Annie-Rose books which I loved as a child.

I read The Train Ride to the kids because they have been obsessed with trains recently (one of them went on holiday

Children’s Hour: The Train Ride
with his Dad and spent the whole time on the train, or the tram, or the underground, or the bus). It’s a very basic story. A girl is on the train, what will she see out the window?

It has a nice rhythm to it with the repeated “What shall I see? What shall I see?” and “That’s what I see. That’s what I see.” making it sound like a train. Those are the bits the kids like actually. They can join in easily. Otherwise they find the story a little uninteresting. It probably would have helped if the book hadn’t fallen apart and been stuck together in the wrong order! (How does someone even manage to do that- especially when the title page is stuck in the middle, makes no sense).

The pictures are nice, and I guess the kids can say what they see- if the pages are in the right order.

Buy The Train Ride:

Paperback (£5.03)

Big Book (£12.72)

Children’s Hour: The Train Ride
Children’s Hour: The Train Ride
Children’s Hour: The Train Ride
Children’s Hour: The Train Ride
Children’s Hour: The Train Ride
Children’s Hour: The Train Ride

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