Books Magazine

Children’s Hour: The Tiger Who Came to Tea

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

In memory of Judith Kerr, who died today I thought I would repost this Children’s Hour post.

Judith Kerr was also one of the writers who introduced me to books about war (which are a genre I like to read) through ‘When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit’. She is certainly a loss to the world of literature.

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Children’s Hour: The Tiger Who Came to TeaLucybird's Book Blog

Children’s Hour: The Tiger Who Came to TeaChildren’s Hour is a new feature here at Lucybird’s Book Blog every Thursday where I’m looking at children’s picture books. As I work in a nursery I get plenty of opportunities to look at picture books, and to see what the kids think of them so it really makes sense to use those experiences.

I’d love to hear everybody’s experiences of the books I review too, and feel free to post me a link to your own reviews, I’d love to make this a bit interactive.

The image (if you were wondering) is taken from Shirley’s Hughes’ Alfie and Annie-Rose books which I loved as a child.
Children’s Hour: The Tiger Who Came to TeaChildren’s Hour: Tiger Came

I had my reservations about taking The Tiger Who came to Tea to work. It’s a book I loved as a child but it is a little old fashioned now and I wasn’t sure if your kids would really connect with it. Happily…

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