Books Magazine

Children’s Hour: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Here?

By Lucybirdbooks @lucybirdbooks

Children’s Hour: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Here?Children’s Hour is a feature posted every Thursday here at Lucybird’s Book Blog. Children’s Hour is my time for reviewing children’s picture books. In my job in a nursery I encounter lots of children’s books, and these are the books I use for Children’s Hour.

You can find links to past Children’s Hour posts here.

I’d love to hear everybody’s experiences of the books I review too, and feel free to post me a link to your own reviews, I’d love to make this a bit interactive.

The image (if you were wondering) is taken from Shirley’s Hughes’ Alfie and Annie-Rose books which I loved as a child.

Children’s Hour: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Here?
I bought Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? to use as part of our project on sound. As Brown Bear is still a favourite I thought they would appreciate something similar. It did go down quite well, especially with pre-school who tried to join in straight away. It took my toddlers a little longer, and a week later (having read it everyday) they do still struggle with some of the animals. They do enjoy the similar rhythm though, and like making the sounds of the animals that they do know.

To be honest the animals were the main problem. The kids couldn’t name quite a few of them, and sometimes the right answer wasn’t quite right (where the kids said snake it was a Boa Constrictor), and could make the sounds for even less. I didn’t even know the sounds for some.

It’s not quite Brown Bear, but it is good.

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Children’s Hour: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Here?
Children’s Hour: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Here?
Children’s Hour: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Here?
Children’s Hour: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Here?
Children’s Hour: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Here?
Children’s Hour: Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Here?

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