Food & Drink Magazine

~chicken Marsala Soup~

By Ally @allykitchen

One of my most favorite Italian dishes is chicken marsala~~I mean when I go to a really authentic Italian restaurant, that’s what I oftentimes order, and even when I go to a great chain like Carabbas, yep, it’s chicken marsala for me!

Since I’d seen a new Campbell’s product at the store, their packaged marsala sauce, I thought I’d give it a whirl in a new twist~~making a chicken marsala soup~~I mean I could put all the essential things in it and even add more mushrooms since the sauce had only a few, like I could count them on my one hand. Overall, this sauce has nice flavors and made the making of this soup pretty painless and easy~~sometimes life just calls for that, right? Here’s to ~peace and making life easier~ xoxo ally

~chicken marsala soup~

Serves: 6+
What you need:
4-5 cups chicken meat, shredded and chopped (a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store is perfect)
½ cup chopped sweet onions
4 cups chicken broth (divided)
1 (9 oz.) package Campbell’s Marsala Skillet Sauce (after pouring out, rinse the container with ½ cup water and use in the soup)
2 cups wide egg noodles
1 Tbl. Corn starch + 1 Tbl. Water, mixed into a paste
1 cup sliced celery
1 cup sliced baby bella mushrooms (optional)
2 tsp. sea salt
½ tsp. red chili flakes
½ cup rough chopped fresh basil and flat Italian parsley
~chicken marsala soup~

What you do:
Put the chicken, onions, two cups of chicken broth, the marsala sauce (plus water to rinse out the package) into a large stew pot over medium high heat. Let this cook about 30 minutes. Reduce the heat to medium low, add the egg noodles and cook another 30 minutes.

Increase the heat to medium and drizzle in the cornstarch mixture; this will thicken the broth somewhat then add the remaining chicken broth, blend, reduce heat to low, cover with a lid, and let the noodles absorb the sauce/broth for about 15 minutes.

Finally, add the celery, mushrooms (optional because the sauce has a some–not many though),salt, and chili flakes and let the soup cook on low another 20-30 minutes. About 15 minutes before serving, toss in the fresh basil and parsley, blend, and let this just simmer another 10 minutes. You want the herbs to remain a nice bright green when serving.

~chicken marsala soup~

~chicken marsala soup~

©alice d’antoni phillips



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