Today I'm sharing with you my chevron ric rac frame. With a tutorial to boot!!

You'll need: unfinished wood frame jumbo ric rac trimwhite acrylic paint (you can also use spray paint if you wish) and brushhot glue gunopen flame (easiest with a lighter but a candle will work, too)

First off, paint your frame with your white acrylic paint. The sides and front.

You may wish to add a second coat. I did to make sure it was pure white.

Once dry, get your ric rac and lay it on your frame how you would like and cut your pieces as you go.

Then you can start hot gluing the trim onto the frame.

Once you're done, you may want to go back and glue down some of the ends that aren't glued down. There were quite a few on mine.

Once you're satisfied, you can then trim off the edges with scissors.

Since the trim will fray quite easily, use a lighter/open flame to burn all of your edges.

Much neater!

And that's it!! Isn't it fun!!? But that's not all. I figured I'd show you how I made the cross insert with ribbon!

This was for my Easter display. I will most likely change it this week once all my Easter things come down. But it works either way, a cross obviously isn't an 'Easter' specific decoration, am I right!?

Moving on.Take the frame insert and trace it onto white cardstock or cardboard.

Find two sizes of ribbon. White thicker grosgrain ribbon for the bottom, and blue printed ribbon for the top.

Figure out how large you want your cross and cut your ribbon pieces.

Be sure your top ribbon is the same lengths as the bottom ribbon.

Burn all your edges with a lighter.

Now you can hot glue the blue ribbon onto the centers of the white ribbon, like so.

Hot glue the shape of your cross onto the center of your cardstock.

And place it back into the frame. Voila! Simple ribbon art!

Now you can display!!