Today I would like to offer you two delicious classic recipes with cherries. Clafoutis is a baked fresh and sweet French pudding. A great dessert of black cherries arranged in a buttered dish and covered with a thick flan-like batter.

500 g cherries
4 eggs100 g of sugar
75 g Flour
300 ml liquid cooking cream
150 ml milk
1 tsp rum
2 tsp vanilla
20 g butter
20 g powdered sugar
20 g sugar for sprinkling the form

• The oven was heated to 180 ° C.
• Break the eggs and sugar in the bowl until the mixture turns white.• Add the flour and stir thoroughly.
• Add the vanilla, rum, sour cream, milk and stirred again.
• Add the cherries and dough gently stir.
• Butter the baking form and sprinkle with sugar.
• Bake for 30 minutes or until ready in a pre heated to 180 ° C oven.
• Before the Clafoutis is served sprinkle with powdered sugar.

300-400 g cherries
70 g Powdered sugar80 g Flour
2 eggs
60 g Melted butter
350 ml milk
1 tsp vanilla
• Heat the oven to 200 º C.
• Buttered the dish• Distribute the cherries.
• Break the Eggs with the powdered sugar, add the vanilla essence and add the sifted flour.
• Without stopping stir the dough, pour the milk and the melted butter.
• Pour the mixture over the cherries.
• Bake for 25-30 minutes, serve warm, sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.