Paranthas are great filling food. Not only for toddlers but also for babies. Today I bring to you a tasty and yummy cheese paneer paratha recipe.
I make this parantha for my 10 months old baby (I make it without paneer) and he simply loves it.
Now a days he doesn't want pureed food or liquid consistency since he has started chewing. I make it really soft so that its easily chewable for him. Accompany this with sauce, curd or chutney and kids will love it.
Benefits of cheese paneer paratha:
Cheese is an excellent food for babies it is packed with calcium, proteins and vit D, A and B12. As B12 is absent in most vegetarian food, cheese makes an important part for vegetarian babies.
You can also refer to the potato cheese mash recipe which is apt for babies from 8 months.
Paneer on the other hand is rich in calcium and protein as well. Coriander helps in digestion, has antioxidant properties and iron which is very necessary for growth. All in all its high calorie food and a very good lunch box option.
Cheese paneer paratha - preparation method:
Make a dough of wheat flour, salt, water and oil. Mix coriander leaves, paneer, red chilly powder and cheese to form a mash.
Roll out 2 parathas and stuff one paratha with the filling. Using the other paratha cover the filling and join the edges with your fingertips. This helps to seal the parathas even if the cheese melts inside.
Roll once again and cook till brown spots appear on the paratha. Serve with a dollop of butter.
Try this gewy cheese paneer paratha for your baby or kid and let me know their response.
Is your little one fond of parathas? Which one is their favorite? Share with me in comments.