Lifestyle Magazine

Cheers To A New Year!

By Theyouandmecollective @youmecollective

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Does anyone else feel like they blinked and 2012 was gone? One thing is certain, the years go by fast, and every year we try to think about what we can do to become the best version of ourselves. If we don’t make a daily, conscious effort to stick to it, it’s easy to put it off until tomorrow, and before we know it, it’s 2013! Yes, I’m speaking from personal experience. I’m not big on making New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to take some time to think about what I want to accomplish in the coming year.

I started The You & Me Collective as somewhat of a spinoff of the Golden Rule – to help you and myself treat others the way we want to be treated through the purchases we make. While it’s not always possible, I believe that the more we do it and make it part of our daily lives, the easier it becomes, and the harder it is to spend money on items that aren’t made according to our own ethics. And it’s a lot more fun to do it together.

Here’s to 2013!

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